2024 Trophy Donations

April, 2024

Although it’s Spring, the club is preparing plans for our major Fall events in Macungie, PA where we will celebrate the Norfolk
Terrier Club’s 15th anniversary. The committee plans to make Montgomery Week an even more exciting event for all those
who attend.

• Rachel Anderson has accepted the open position of Trophy Chair. She will have big shoes to fill replacing Henrietta
Lachman. Rachel is excited about taking on the task of securing deserving awards for this week and I appreciate that
Henrietta has agreed to mentor her. Thank you, each!

  • Please consider sponsoring an award or making a general donation
    toward our 2024 campaign.

NTC Show Chair: Chris Smith
email: trophies@norfolkterrierclub.org

NTC National Specialty & Sweepstakes


Best in Sweepstakes Veteran $90

Best of Opposite Sex to Best $80

Best in Sweepstakes Veteran $75

Best Opposite to Best Veteran $75

Breed Trophies

Best of Breed (not available)

Best of Opposite Sex to BOB $175

Best of Winners (not available)

Select Dog or Bitch $90

Award of Merit #1 $70

Award of Merit #2 $70

Award of Merit #3 $70

Award of Merit #4 $70

Winners Dog or Bitch (not available)

Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch $75

Bred By Exhibitor Dog or Bitch (not available)


1st in Regular Classes

6-9 Month Dog or Bitch $40

9-12 Month Dog or Bitch $40

12-15 Month Dog or Bitch $40

15-18 Month Dog or Bitch $40

Open Dog or Bitch $50 x 2

1st in Non Regular Classes

Working Dog or Bitch $40 x 2

Veteran Dog or Bitch $50 x 2

Stud Dog $40

Brood Bitch $40

Best Bred by Exhibitor (not available)



Hatboro I

Best of Breed (not available)

Best of Opposite Sex $70

Best of Winners (not available)

Winners Dog or Bitch $45 x 2

RWD / RWB $35 x 2

Select Dog/Bitch $35 x 2

Best Owner Handler $45

Hatboro II

Best of Breed (not available)

Best of Opposite Sex $70

Best of Winners (not available)

Winners Dog or Bitch $45 x 2

RWD / RWB $35 x 2

Select Dog/Bitch $35 x 2

Best Owner Handler $45


Best of Breed (not available)

Best of Opposite Sex $70

Best of Winners (not available)

Winners Dog or Bitch $45 x 2

RWD / RWB $35 x 2

Select Dog/Bitch $35 x 2

Performance High Score Awards @ Palmyra

Obedience, Rally, FCAT, Agility $40

NTC Trophy Donations 2024

  • Enter the total amount of your Trophy Donation from the selections below and an additional $2.50 will be added for Pay Pal processing.
  • $0.00
  • Click the down arrow to select first Trophy Choice
  • Click the down arrow to select second Trophy Choice
  • Click the down arrow to select third Trophy Choice
  • Click the down arrow to select fourth Trophy Choice
  • Please enter your email address to transfer to Pay Pal.
  • Please enter your phone number to transfer to Pay Pal.