The NTC is dedicated to the pedigree dog and supports adherence to sound principles in preserving the breed.
Member benefits include:
- Education and Mentorship
- Breeder Referral
- Pedigree Search
- Opportunities to rescue and rehome Norfolk Terriers
- Access to articles and information on the Norfolk Terrier
Membership fees:
- Full Membership fees are $40 for single members and $55 for dual members paid on an annual basis.
- Foreign Membership fees are $40 for single members and $55 for dual members paid on an annual basis.
- Associate Membership for single members is available without voting rights for two years prior to applying for Full Membership and the fees are $25 for each year for two years.

Application to become a member requires sponsorship from two current Club members. To apply to join the Norfolk Terrier Club please download the membership application, Sponsor Questionnaire, and the NTC Code of Ethics Forms shown below. These forms should be completed and your application package sent to the Membership Chair: